Private Residence - Plympton Devon

MysticDevon, from time to time, conduct visits to venues on request. We always endeavour to contact lost love ones, at all venues. If you would like MysticDevon to conduct a visit, please use the “contact us” button for details.
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Private Residence - Plympton Devon

Post by Ray » Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:22 pm

Vi Private Residence – Plympton 6th February 2014.
Those present – The Home Owner and the MysticDevon Team.

The home OWNER, Mr S, was having a problem with unexplained activity, in his house. This included, the feeling of unease, lights that seemed to dart around the room, and noise, like muffled buzzing and whistling. It has got to such a pitch, that he had to sleep in the lounge. After trying to find the source of this activity through possibly electrical faults etc without success, he decided to look at the problem from a spiritual angle.

After dowsing the area, the MysticDevon team came up with the following results.

The initial contact was made, and the spirit sent to the light.

Our next contact was with Ruth. She advised that she had passed at the age of 17 in 1578. She explained that she had been accused of being a Witch, of which she said she was innocent. She had been dragged by her hair to a place where she had been burned alive. She had been lost from that time. Ruth was guided to the light.

The source of the happenings in the house was explained by RRetz. He had died in a car crash in 1968. He explained that he was from Zimbabwe, and was trying to draw attention to his plight. He was sent to the light. This was followed by Gowa, a friend of Retz, who had been waiting for him in the light. He passed on his thanks.

Recently decease Anna, gave a message of love to his daughter Louise.

Edward, Mr S’s graindfather gave a message of how he enjoyed walking on the moors. He also gave details of his dag Tippy, and Ascot, both of which were known to Mr S.

S contact was then made with Gavin. He explained that he had worked locally as a farm hand. No date was given. He had passed in the darkness of a well. It was established that his mates were waiting for him in the light. Gavin then joined them.

A no name contact was made with a previous owner of the house. This energy too was guided to the light. It was noticed, theat the energy of the house lifted as a result of the visit.

MysticDevon working for the light.
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Re: Private Residence - Plympton Devon

Post by Ray » Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:00 pm

Re – Visit

MysticDevon, were invited to re-visit this residence, on the invitation of the owner. The owner, was once again having a problem with a possible spirit energy.On our previous visit the team were happy that the residence had been cleared off all unwelcome energies. However, it was concluded after a discussion with the owner, that he may be particulary sensitive to such energies, a sensitivity to which they were drawn.

On investigation, it was confirmed, that the problem was a result of a new spirit, trying to attract his attention, It appeared, that the activity, was being caused by one spirit. This energy, was one of three, that were trying to sort out issues in the other realm. After lengthy communication, the team were able to assist in resolving these issues, which were linked to an accidental passing in 1972.

With this conclusion, it was felt that the problem in the property, had been cleared, with the energy being guided to the light.

MysticDevon – working for the light.
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